Bailey Bear ABC Poster – Small

Bailey Bear ABC poster

This free poster for kids gets its images from the storybook “Bailey Bear in the Land of I AM.”

This kids poster measures  8 ½” x 14″  and can be printed out on any home printer. It is a colorful and insightful learning graphic for the classroom or bedroom wall.  Available for download in either a high resolution (12mb) or low (3mb).

If you are downloading the poster we presume you  like it, so we ask that you click one of the “Like2Get” social media buttons below to access the download link.  After that, a box will open giving you the choice to like the poster on Facebook or tweet about it on Twitter.  Also, if you like, you can add a short message.  Once the box closes, the download link will become visible.

Here are the Like2Get Buttons:

[l2g facebook=”true”, twitter=”true” gplusone=”false”]Download ABC Poster in low resolution (3mb) or high (12mb) [/l2g]